Use "positivist|positivists" in a sentence

1. This criticism, aesthetically, is based upon Kantian aesthetics and positivist aesthetics.

2. The implications of such a view were potentially disastrous for positivist criminology.

3. The measures taken by the government alarmed civilian republicans and the positivists in the military.

4. Positivist criminology, on the other hand, seemed scarcely to recognise it at all.

5. Weber himself seems to take a Humean or Positivist view of causation.

6. This was especially the case when pragmatism was conjoined to a legal positivist outlook.

7. In this respect Hirschi shared the long-standing positivist rejection of the central tenet of classicism: deterrence.

8. I think this has been well illustrated in the previous chapters - particularly in the case of positivist criminology.

9. 16 This was especially the case when pragmatism was conjoined to a legal positivist outlook.

10. By far the most popular idea is the positivist one that we should keep only the facts.

11. Or rather, they laid down specific principles that were to be more or less taken for granted by subsequent positivists.

12. His approach was positivist and rationalist and his general objective was to lay down a theory of social evolution.

13. 5 But of course natural law is false judged by positivist assumptions just as positivism is false judged by natural law assumptions.

14. (Machlup’s position is close to the central “positivist” tradition of economic methodology.) But, in the meanwhile, we find that Professor Mises and “extreme Apriorism…

15. Similarly, social identities are seen as constructed rather than pre-given: making social Constructionism an anti-*essentialist stance as well as anti-positivist one.

16. The hybrid imagery crafted in the style of comic grotesque subverts the positivist epistemology and classification, and emanates a strong dynamic and pleasure of anthropomorphism.

17. (Machlup's position is close to the central "positivist" tradition of economic methodology.) But, in the meanwhile, we find that Professor Mises and "extreme Apriorism…

18. Behaviouralism is a political science, but it is an inexact science, and in practice behaviouralists are always less rigidly positivist, and less grand in ambition, than is often assumed

19. ‘These Cartesian speculations conveyed to Descartes' successors at least two issues.’ ‘Even the Logical Positivists were, by and large, foundationalists, although some of them came to renounce Cartesian mentalism in favor of a ‘physicalistic basis’.’

20. Definition of Addressal : the act of addressing something (such as a problem or issue) The positivist belief that science is geared to uncovering facts and their connections in reality, leaves unaccounted …

21. Atomism of Hume and instead developed a deterministic Atomism For these positivists, causality Is not a connection of sense impressions, but is rooted in the physical world and discoverable through scientific investigation Comte believed that empirical science is the only reliable source of knowledge and

22. ‘True, Certitude of convictions can signify moral strength, but that's so rare.’ ‘This does not mean that we should reject the findings of those efforts outright; they are helpful to an extent, but they ultimately cannot achieve the level of Certitude that historians of a more positivist age claimed for them.’

23. ‘The concept of Causality is constitutive of objective empirical knowledge; the concept of purpose is not.’ ‘Constructivists, as a rule, cannot subscribe to positivist conceptions of Causality.’ ‘How is the Causality of the natural world reconcilable with what Kant calls ‘the Causality of freedom’?’

24. ‘The concept of Causality is constitutive of objective empirical knowledge; the concept of purpose is not.’ ‘Constructivists, as a rule, cannot subscribe to positivist conceptions of Causality.’ ‘How is the Causality of the natural world reconcilable with what Kant calls ‘the Causality of freedom’?’

25. ‘Some neo-positivists cannot forgive him for his anti-positivism, and some empiricists cannot be patient with his Apriorism.’ ‘Indeed, I spent a considerable amount of time during my post-doc year studying Austrian economics at NYU trying to convince a number of Austrians to abandon their commitment to Apriorism.’

26. ‘True, Certitude of convictions can signify moral strength, but that's so rare.’ ‘This does not mean that we should reject the findings of those efforts outright; they are helpful to an extent, but they ultimately cannot achieve the level of Certitude that historians of a more positivist age claimed for them.’